Friday, May 28, 2010

VET not snake-catcher!

So I had someone call me after 8pm on the emergency line last night about an adder that was caught up in some packing tape and they were worried that it might be dehydrated. Now I will see someone's pet snake IF I HAVE TO and only if they can guarantee that the snake is not poisonous. Unravelling a wild poisonous adder from packing tape however is NOT part of my job description. 

I asked the client if he as able to catch it safely. 

"Well, we have caught it," he replied. "It's in the packing tape."

"And you can't safely release it?" I asked.

"No, that's why I'm calling the vet. It's only a small one!"

So if it's so small and safe then why don't you do it!? I wanted to ask. Instead I replied that I was did not have the gear to deal with snakes safely and nicely suggested that he look in the yellow pages to call a qualified snake catcher. And yes, you probably will have to pay for their services!


  1. Nice post, things explained in details. Thank You.

  2. Very informative, keep posting such good articles, it really helps to know about things.
