Thursday, May 13, 2010

Traffic Jam

I was told that the English saw standing in a queue as a hobby, but didn't realise how true that was until I made the mistake of visiting a safari park on a sunny bank holiday. We knew it would be busy and made sure to put on our 'patient faces' while sitting in line in the car and slowly moving through the park. We finally cracked though, when we accidentally turned into the deer feeding paddock. Having both worked as vets in New Zealand where we routinely handled deer, we weren't really interested in seeing the deer, but didn't realise that we could skip the section until we saw the guy behind us drive straight on as we made the grave error of turning into the deer paddock. Where we proceeded to sit in a 2 lane TRAFFIC JAM for OVER AN HOUR. Bear in mind it would take about 5 minutes to drive through the paddock if there were no traffic. And we didn't even have any snacks.

The only thing that kept us sane was watching the poor family stuck in the car behind us as the father grumbled at his wife, and laughing at another father holding his little daughter up for a wee as the interminable wait had become too much for her poor little bladder to bear. I was jealous as my poor little bladder was also struggling by that time.

So the moral of the story? Never drive into an area where there are animals prancing up to the side of cars looking cute and begging for food unless you are prepared to be there for a while...or enjoy standing in line like a true Brit.

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