Sunday, April 11, 2010

To the pub!

After a rough week last week (and it was only four days!) a few of the girls from work & I decided to hit the local pub on Friday night. It was only a few yards away down the lane so was nice and close to home.

After nattering away over a couple of drinks telling disaster work stories & comparing crazy clients (as vets & nurses & I'm sure many other professions do), we bundled out into the dark to stagger home. As I passed a couple of guys propping up the bar I heard one of them remark, "Those are some of the girls from '_______ Vets'.

Hmmm, perhaps our local is a bit too local! In the future I guess we will have to be a bit more careful about our conversations or else find a pub a little further away. Ah small towns.

1 comment:

  1. I'd love to be a fly on the wall and hear what our Vets say...

    I love my Vet. I try not to annoy him too much, with the exception of one dog.

    It was an overweight Basset Hound that I took in. This dog had me at his office so many times that I was going nuts. I thought the dog was having heart attacks, but no....

    The dog had been eating pears from a tree in the corner of the yard and was so full she was was gasping and sick. I was up for nights with her, scared to death. Had to give her away to a better home because of the tree.
